Brahmadev, Brother

Thank you for your love
The reason I was born
You are
I am happy to surrender to you
Because one you are
With the father
Buddha inside you
I have seen
Jesus inside you
I have felt
Love from you
I became
Thank you
For your light
Thank you
Thank you
We love you

Poem by Kundun / Poème de Kundun

Words, creation of the universe

What you think
Is what you are
Be careful what you think
Understand the deep meaning of the words
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god
The first word was « love »
Because love is god as god is love
Love is what we are
Then, god created more words
The second word was light
Then the big bang appeared
The third word was planets
The fourth word was air
The fifth word was water
Then plants were created
Then Animals were created
Then Adam and Eve were created
Each root word
Is developed in many other words
Each time god created a word, the reality of the word was created too
Because reality is what we think
As an incarnation of god, we create concepts in the same way
The microcosm is in the macrocosm and the macrocosm is in the microcosm
Plants and animals developed in many species
Then Adam was developed into the word « father » then « brother », Eve into the word « mother » then « sister »
Minerals, Air, developed in many different ways too
Like a huge tree
Any word
Comes from the one, from the root
For this reason
Some words are very powerful
Some of them are the roots of the world
When roots you become
God you become
Then one you become
Then understanding

Poem by Kundun / Poème de Kundun


Our universe
Is made of energy
Everything you touch
Everything you see
Everything you hear
Everything is alive
Everything you feel
Everything is alive
An idea
A project
A concept
An object
Even you
Are alive
A word, a book, a poem
Is alive
Somewhere in the universe
For this reason, words, objects,
Everything is very important
The decoration of your home
What you eat
Your clothes
They all are alive
They are reflection of you
We are all energy
Communication between all groups of energy
Is beyond human imagination
Yes, all groups of energy are communicating
With every group of energy
Humans feel the energy of plants, of animals
Plants feel the energy of human, of sounds
A complex communication system
It is going to be more and more documented
With scientists and research
What we can say is that there is
A magnetic force between groups of energy
Between universes
For example, all the flowers you love,
Any object you love
Any person you love
There are reasons.
The reasons can be understood if you understand
The compatibility and the communication process
Between universes
Love means sharing between two universes
You love a flower because you have something in common with it
You love an object because you are sharing something with it
You share love with a brother, because you have something you are sharing with him.
The person you love
Is a person you can share something with.
The more you share the universe with someone, the more you fall in love with that person.
It could be spiritual beauty
It could be physical beauty
It could be any beauty of this world.
Because we are one
Discovering the beauty in someone means discovering your own beauty.
This is why we literally fall in love.
Communication between universes is vast.
It could be words, could be sounds, could be voices, could be thoughts, could be intentions
It could be touching, it could be seeing.
If you send love to your plants, they will immediately feel it
Intention, thoughts are sent.
You can feel the thoughts that someone is sending you
As a person can feel the thoughts you have for them
You can train yourself to feel what a plant, an animal, a person is thinking about you.
It even works with a company, a brand.
The more a brand, the more a company is loved, the more people will buy, the more successful it will be.
What you feel about a project, about a person, about an organization,
Will change the way you react.
The concept is :
What am I sharing with him, with her?
Is it me?
If universes are very close, if a lot is shared, then
Action, love will happen.
Depending on your awareness
Depending on the size of your consciousness
You can love and share more or less
If your consciousness is infinite
Then god you are
Then enlightened you are
Then in love you are
With everything
And everyone

Poem by Kundun / Poème de Kundun

Hymn to the fallen

The tambourines
Are crying again

Nestling in your arms
River of love
I am crying

The reason I was born
I have found today

Being in your arms
Is why I exist
It is why
In this life
I came back
So many years
I was searching for you

When your heart
Feels my heart
When your arms
Are around me
When you are very near me
I cease to exist
The universe we become
Everything stops
Time stops
Total bliss emerges
I become
I become
I become
Even death my friend
I Become
Ego and mind disappear
Only god
Only love
Only us

Poème de Kundun / Poem by Kundun


For the mind
Process brings the conclusion.
For god
The conclusion comes first.
For this reason
Vision comes first.
For this reason
Like yoda
I am speaking

Poème de Kundun / Poem by Kundun

The Wonder of love

Love is everywhere
Look, feel, touch
Love is all and all is love
Even pain hides man’s love
Love is the reason for being
The reason of  war and peace
Love is the cure for everything
Take it
Feel it
Spread it
Then from love you come
And to love you will go back

Poème de Mikel