The God inside you

The God inside you
You can find
Focus on your love
Concentrate on your heart
Fall in love
And find the reflection of your love
In everyone

Then you can see
How beautiful you are
How wonderful life is
Then God you can see
In the mirrors of others

Love is the key
Love is the key to enlightenment
Just spread your love
And see what happens

Understand me
Trust me
When I tell you this secret:

Poem by Kundun / Poème de Kundun

What you want

All you want you can become
Be careful with this gift
Think before you wish
Once you know what you want
Act like you already have it
And keep it until you do
Surrender is the Key

poème de Brahmadev / poem by Brahmadev

Love is the key

Love is the key
Love is the key

To open any heart
To open any door

Love is the key
Love is the key

With everyone

Use your key
Use your love
Use your heart

Love is the key
Love is the key

Poème de Kundun / Poem by Kundun