Bottle in the sea.

Hey you!
Come, come here,
Don’t be shy,
Please, read this text,
And imagine,
That you, in another space and time,
Have writen this poem.
Imagine, that this text,
Is a mirror,
Of what you really are.

That there is only you,
Imagine, You, as an infinite consciousness.
How could you see you?
How could you feel you,
How could you touch you?
If there is no separated you?
How an eye can see itself ?

So, you created this world,

You created duality,
You created,

All these people,

All these flowers,

All these minerals,
To know you.

You decided to live inside them,
Inside their hearts,
Inside the love.
You decided to experience yourself,
To understand,
What you really are.

Yes, it is you,
Which has created this text,
To initiate you,
To enlight you,
To tell you,
To remember you,
What you really are:
An infinite love, an infinite consciousness,
In 7 billions of humans.


In everything.

Cause deeply inside you,
You know,
Your mind,

You are not,
Your body,

You are not.
What you are,

Is you:
This love, this peace, this joy,

Is you.
You are,

The presence.

So you will understand,

Poème par / Poem by Kundun jan 2013

Touched by your grace

Touched by your grace
I just disappeared
Into the infinite flow
Of infinite love

You are a benediction

Poème de Kundun / Poem by Kundun

Of love

Of love
I am dying, baby

Each time you touch me
Each time you look at me
Each time you talk to me

Of infinite love
I am dying
Again and again

I disappeared
We appeared
We became

Poem by Kundun / Poème de Kundun


The caress of your smile
The touch of your eyes
The thoughts of your soul
Makes me die
In your arms

Poem by Kundun / Poème de Kundun

The Wonder of love

Love is everywhere
Look, feel, touch
Love is all and all is love
Even pain hides man’s love
Love is the reason for being
The reason of  war and peace
Love is the cure for everything
Take it
Feel it
Spread it
Then from love you come
And to love you will go back

Poème de Mikel