About vision

What is a vision?

Vision is what we become
Like a seed becomes a tree
Like an egg becomes a bird
A vision is a projection of an evolution.
Man becomes god
Because he is a seed of god
Yes, men are free to choose what they want to be
When ego disappears
When individual thinking disappears
Then one we become
We merge with the whole
With planet earth
Then personal ego disappears
The ego of infinite consciousness appears
This ego gives direction
The vision of what this planet will become
Is not from one person
It is from the one
It is a projection of what earth will become
Yes, this vision is not unique
Other visions are possible
Many paths exist
But at the end, we all merge
It is very important to spread the vision
To spread the messages
Many highly spiritual people feel that the world is transforming
In very quickly
But, they don’t know the direction,
They don’t know the vision yet
Spreading the vision is the synchronization of beings
In the same direction
We must assume what we are
What we see, what we feel
Is the truth for many beings
Giving a vision does not reduce peopl’s freedom
They are totally free to understand or to accept the vision
But a world without a vision is a ship without direction
Giving direction
Giving vision
Is giving faith
Is giving hope
This is deeply needed for a lot of people
A vision will resonate inside millions of beings
A vision will help them to understand
A vision will help lead towards enlightenment
A vision will show us where we are headed
Any action
Any thought
Can be understood
In the right direction thanks to vision
Any company, any association, any country has a vision of what they are, of what they will become, depending on the expansion of consciousness
Yes, a young child doesn’t know what he will become
But, with expansion of his consciousness, he will soon understand
That he will be a man
Even if he has no idea of what exactly a man is, young boys knows that he will be a man.
In the same way, enlightened persons know that kind of god they
Are becoming, more and more
Without a vision, man will continue to walk on the path

Poem by Kundun / Poème de Kundun


We all are
All animals
All plants
All rocks
In the infinite small
Space and energy we are
In many ways
Energy equals consciousness
Understand that
To understand that we are one
Consider this planet as a whole body
Each living entity is a cell

Work together in a love direction
You should
If you don’t want the whole body to die

Respect other beings
From all other species
At the moment
Humans are acting like a cancer
Killing everything
Killing everyone

When the cancer kills the body
The cancer kills itself

When the body dies
The cancer die with it
the microcosm
Is in the macrocosm
The macrocosm
Is in the microcosm
And again

It is too late
This world
Is just another world
Infinite worlds
Exist in infinite universes
That because of the laws
Is totally free
To kill
Who cares?
Only you!
If understand
Reincarnation you can
Then undersand
That your future life
You are killing
You can
Changing your way of living
You should do
Save the planet
Save yourself

Poème de Kundun / Poem by Kundun